Tag: zero-waste influencer

How to have a Womb and Earth friendly period

How to have a Womb and Earth friendly period

It’s that time of the month for me and whereas before I used to curse about getting my period, now I have begun to respect it and savour it for what it is: a time for me to connect with me. As womxn we have 

Going Zero-Waste in 2020

Going Zero-Waste in 2020

Those who follow me will know that I have set myself the goal of going zero waste this year.For a lot of reasons this year seems like the perfect year to start living differently; for one thing I am finally working completely for myself this 

The Starters Guide to Travelling Consciously

The Starters Guide to Travelling Consciously

The quest to being the best version of yourself you can be is an endless one. There is always more you can do and so to prevent myself from going crazy, when starting on the journey I had to repeatedly tell myself that there is